Weaverville Fire Department Support Services
April 6, 2016 1730
Call to Order/ Welcome new members: Meeting called to order at 1735, no new members present.
Members Present: Shellie, Briana, Terri, Lisa, Serena, Betty, Tania, Herk, Bonnie, Elizabeth, Scott
Approve minutes March 2nd meeting: M/S approve minutes as submitted
Officers Report:
A. President: Retirement party was smashing success, Live Fire Training was well done with Herk keeping bottles full and Serena, Lisa, Bri, Betty keeping FF safe and healthy.
B. Treasure:$218.00 spent on replenishing snacks for fire line
C. Logistics: Supplies purchased at Tops with credit from returned greenery from flower sales.
Action Items:
A. Mother’s Day May 8th: Flowers to be purchased at Costco by Serena and Lisa, they will explore options for greenery to help keep cost down. Delivery on May 5th, Building on May 6th so they are ready to go on May 8th delivery by FF. This is a pre-sale event only. Lisa to do advertising…Scott to get Lisa Picture to use.
B. Children’s Festival May 14th Sign-up sheet is on bulletin board… please sign-up if you can help.
C. Lunch served for Haz-Mat training May 26th. WFD will be hosting the SMERT team for a drill on this date. We would like to make lunch for the team members. All interested members please advise Scott.
D. Item of immediate need: 1.We have been contacted by Chamber that Parade may be earlier in the day on the 4th. This would require SS to arrive at Cook Shack earlier so FF could leave to get the Hand cart to the parade on time. 2. Do we want to host BBQ lunch in afternoon? After Discussion the group felt this would be doable. Tania and Scott will create a self-guided tour to be handed out at the event.
Committee Reports:
A. EMS Support: No report
B. Station Maintenance: No report…no request from Chief for assistance
C. Equipment Maintenance: Herk reported air trailer repaired with replacement of a bad oil pressure regulator. All other equipment up and running.
D. Web Technology: No report, George Owen made a request for a monthly newsletter. The group felt that Social Media provided a better format. Lisa will check with Mike about creating a members only section on the web site for information to be shared through that method.
E. Marketing: No report
Open Forum and Topics for next meeting:
Scott Thanked group for all the great things they have been doing over the last few years. I really appreciated all the hard work and creativity that went into the Retirement gathering. THANKS
Chief reported that USFS crews were very impressed with Weaverville FF and their hard work and dedication to job. They were very impressed with our Exercise program.
Adjourn at 1824